Growth bags are suitable for melon and fruit planting, which can be used continuously for many years, and has good effect of saving money.

Growth bags are suitable for melon and fruit planting, which can be used continuously for many years, and has good effect of saving money.


Growth bags are suitable for melon and fruit planting, which can be used continuously for many years, and has good effect of saving money.


Some farmers said that vegetable greenhouses do not use soil planting, replaced with soilless cultivation. In order to save costs, the use of bags with earthworm dung planting, less investment, the effect is very good, has been planted three consecutive crops of vegetables. Now ready to grow autumn delay strawberries, I wonder if these planting bags should continue to be used, or replaced with new bags?


Growth bags are suitable for melon and fruit planting, which can be used continuously for many years, and has good effect of saving money.


Many farmers initially grew fruits and vegetables in their bags at first, but now the method is becoming more and more widespread. No matter the balcony planting or greenhouse planting, you will use planting bags, which can contain earthworm dung, cow dung and other substrates, planting cucumber, strawberry, tomato, melon and so on. Read the answer about the use of the planting bag.


We use planting bags instead of planting tank, and the cost per mu of land is reduced. The planting bags can generally take three or four years. As long as the outside is not damaged, it can be reused without the need to be replaced with a new bag. The bag is made of plastic, white on the outside and black on the inside, without affecting winter or summer stubble planting. Some farmers use the black nutrition bowl, and the winter stubble planting effect is good, but when the light is strong, the heat absorption causes too high the temperature in the bag, which affects the growth of the vegetable root system.



The planting bag design is reasonable, not only practical strong, but also more durable. Therefore, farmers can plant three crops of vegetables, which belongs to a one-time investment, and later planting can be reused. After this crop of rice seedlings, you only need to simply treat the substrate, without ploughing, you can plant strawberry seedlings. Strawberry planting and fruits and fruits have different places, small plants, can be appropriately thick a little, a bag planted four seedlings.



Some farmers say, if the planting bags are moved back and forth, will they affect the use? Generally, after the planting bags in the greenhouse are put out, there is no need to move back and forth. But if in the early spring stubble planting, the temperature in the greenhouse is low, and want to plant early in the morning market. After planting vegetables, the bag can be placed in a greenhouse, and then managed, wait until the temperature rises, and then moved back to the original greenhouse. This centralized management is lower than the cost of heating in several greenhouses, but also in the morning.



There are some farmers like us, the planting bags are still good, but you need to change the greenhouses, it is a pity to throw the bag away, you can move the bag with the substrate to the new greenhouses, the next crop can continue to use. This belongs to an advantage of planting bags, easy to use, and is not limited by the greenhouse.


Planting vegetables in the bag has an obvious advantage, and it is also a very economical planting method. It can plant multiple crops continuously and use them for a long time. And the plastic planting bag planting effect is also very good, watering and fertilization is more convenient.


Vegetable soilless cultivation is very popular, what are the advantages After the comparison, it is obvious

Earthworm dung is used for soilless cultivation. Pay attention to 3 points. You can grow melons and vegetables without mistakes, and the effect is good.

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